

Khurana Polymers Pvt. Ltd. is one of the fastest-growing and leading packaging solutions providers headquartered in India.

At our state-of-the-art facilities, we utilize the latest technology and a team of highly skilled professionals to deliver exceptional packaging solutions that meet the functional requirements of our clients while also elevating their brand image. With our unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we have earned the trust of clients across various industries, making us their preferred choice.

We are here to keep up with the current technology; hence, we constantly keep our plant updated with state-of-the-art facilities that meet the demands of our clients.

Details of Machinery

  • 135 Nova 6 Looms from Lohia
  • 12 nova 8 looms from Lohia
  • 3 Lamination plants from Jaypee
  • 3 Rotogravure Printing Machines (Upto 8 colours)
  • Flexographic Printing Machines (Upto 4 colours)
  • 10 Bag Cutting & Gusset machines
  • 3 BCS Machines
  • 50 Bag Stitching machines